Hunter X Hunter Royal Guard - Shaiapouf

Shaiapouf, nicknamed Pouf, is a butterfly-humanoid Chimera Ant and one of the Chimera Ant King's Royal Guards.

Shaiapouf looks the most human of the Royal Guards, as he resembles a young adult with a slim frame. His hair is dark blonde and kept short, covering up his forehead and ears. The only insect parts that Pouf has are his butterfly wings and antenna. Also, Pouf's skin is thistle purple. He is also the only one of the three guards that wears a suit. Pouf's outfit consists of frilly white shirt,  black pants and a pair of black shoes.

Shaiapouf posits himself as the most calm and rational of the three Royal Guards, often speaking about the importance for logic and reasoning, more than his emotions. However, his strong devotion to the Chimera Ant King clouds his judgment. He holds a preconceived absolute ideal to live up to, with no room for amendment. Pouf also holds the King to a similarly impossible ideal, manifesting in mad fanatical monologues and treacherous action when it appears that his lord is being led astray.

Shaiapouf vehemently loathes the King's consort, Komugi. He believes the woman to be holding back the King from his supposed right to world domination, as the pinnacle of evolution. A master of psychological games and subterfuge, Shaiapouf is willing to deceive, betray, and murder anyone in order to preserve his image to the King.

In crises involving the Chimera Ant King, Pouf forsakes delegated duty and acts solely according to the sway of his emotions. Shaiapouf is indeed the most irrational of the three Royal Guards; manic and demented by his magnification and love for the King. Nothing is known about Pouf's past when he was a human and it is unknown if he even remembers his past.

Shaiapouf is the second Royal Guard to be born and like the rest of the Royal Guards, he too was personally named by the Queen. He stays always beside the King and the other Royal Guards and serves as a transport to the King while they were searching for the new King's Palace thanks to his ability to fly. During this time, he serves as an adviser and explains the human behavior and actions to him.

As the King orders his Royal Guards to bring the champions of each of the human activities of the country, Shaiapouf, having wholeheartedly devoted his entire being to the protection of the King and the eventual domination of the world by the King, starts losing his temperament grossly by the King's obsession with the "insignificant" human, Komugi. The King is unable to defeat the girl at the game of Gungi, and even seems to care about her well-being. Shaiapouf views Komugi as a threat to the King, as his obsession with a mere human could undermine the King's rightful domination of the world as the most perfect form of life.

At one point of one of the King's game, he bets his arm and tears it apart. Shaiapouf, concerned about the King's health, tries to help him and call for Neferpitou, but he is quickly taken down by the King's tail, saying that he would dishonor the promise of no breaks in the play against Komugi. Shaiapouf asks him to better kill him, as he won't allow the King to be injured; and when the King is about to make that request, Komugi demands for him to be healed before any other game. As Neferpitou is enabled to use his En and Puppet Dolls, Shaiapouf takes charge of surveillance and activates his En through the Palace, much to Knov's terror who had infiltrated the place and suffers a mental break down thanks to him. Later on, Shaiapouf considers killing Komugi, but upon the realization that killing the girl would forever deny the King any victory over her, bursts into tears and swears to end his own life after helping the King attain complete dominion.

As the selection day is coming, Shaiapouf with the other Royal Guards starts planning how to protect the King without being noticed by the enemy and without annoying the King (as he was more irritated with the Guards presence during his games). Shaiapouf flies into the highs and releases his scales in the direction of the gathered citizens and hypnotized every single one of them, so they follow their command more easily and won't flee.